RCM6 Resorbable Collagen Membrane allows you to guide healing and regeneration of bone and surrounding tissue within your time frame. RCM6 is intended to aid in the wound healing process within oral surgical procedures, such as: dental implants, bone defects, periodontal defects and ridge augmentations. When used in conjunction with a bone grafting particulate, RCM6 can help mitigate the migration of the particulate from the surgical site. RCM6 is packaged sterile, non-pyrogenic, and for single use. Its resorbability eliminates the need for surgical removal.
RCM6 is a registered trademark of ACE Surgical.
BioMend® Extend is a registered trademarks of Zimmer Dental.
Bio-Gide® is a registered trademark of ED. GEISTLICH SOHINE AG.
Footnote References:
(1 )D.Yuen, J. Ulreich, G. Zuclich, H-B. Lin and S-T Li “Prediction of In Vivo Stability of a Resorbable, Reconstituted Type I Collagen Membrane by In Vitro Methods.” 2000 Society for Biomaterials - Sixth World Congress.
(2) Reported from the product’s Instructions for Use.
(3) RCM6 Data on file