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Stock availability may vary for different locations
To view accurate stock availability, your account must have a valid shipping address.
It appears your account doesn't have any shipping addresses listed. If you just set up your account. Please allow some time for our customer service team to complete your account setup.
If you believe this is an error, please contact our customer service team (800) 624-5926.
OraSoothe “Sockit” Gel is an FDA-approved, all-natural, drug-free oral wound hydrogel that comes in an easy-to-use syringe. It is applied in-office during procedures that involve any type of oral wound and is pleasant tasting, optimizes healing, and provides excellent pain relief. After the procedure, the patient takes home the remainder of the gel and applies as needed.
Benefits include: Optimized healing of oral wounds, Pain management alternative to prescriptions, Reduced post-op visits